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Learn, Laugh, Grow


(6 weeks to 12 months)

In our Dreamer Classroom, we provide a loving, safe, and nurturing environment for our infants to play and grow. 

We sing, read, and talk with our babies and provide a variety of toys, books, and activities to explore. We get to know each infant well as he or she grows and develops a unique personality, with likes and dislikes, needs and wants. We support each child in his or her individual growth and development. We love to cuddle, snuggle, and play! 



(1-2 year olds)

We believe children at this age learn best through experiences that allow them to see, touch, and do. 

We plan intentional activities and experiences and provide opportunities for children to expand their thinking and develop new skills. Projects and activities are all about exploration and discovery! We encourage and facilitate language development through the use of simple sign and verbal language, repetition in books, songs, and fingerplays, and consistent conversation with our children.

Above all, we strive to make our classroom a fun place to learn, grow, and discover!

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(2-3 year olds)

In the Explorer Classroom, we focus on positive engagement with others and the world around us. We support children in exploring and expanding their capabilities and encourage developmentally appropriate independence.  Through planned and guided activities and open-ended play and exploration, we introduce new experiences and promote curiosity, engagement, and learning.  We teach through modeling, questioning, listening, and observing. Our goal is always to “explore more”! 


(3 & 4 year olds)

We provide a safe, predictable environment for children to become more adventurous. The development of social emotional skills and competencies is our primary focus. We introduce and model social emotional language and support children in identifying and expressing their feelings. In our short daily theme and story circles, we provide support for the development of self-regulatory skills and explore topics of the children’s interest. Through observing their interests and planning and implementing intentional activities, we encourage children to try new things, ask questions, problem solve, and be creative. We want every day to be adventure-filled!




Our Voyager Classroom is where we learn to take off and fly independently! We focus on building self-confidence and independence, strengthening self-advocacy and self-regulation skills, and practicing and reinforcing problem solving techniques. We plan and implement curriculum to support learning in language and literacy, math, science, social studies, and technology. We provide ample opportunities for open-ended play to practice and expand our social emotional and academic skills.

Our Voyagers leave us ready for new heights!

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